Monday, May 18, 2009

T.V. Shows

Love this show. This has to be one of the best shows on Television. It comes on right before Heroes, which is going downhill. Chuck is a very well written show on NBC. The humor, action, and yes, even the sappy love story makes it an awkward adventure each time. The quirky humor of Zachary Levi is what makes the show, as well as the rough, no sense of humor character played by Adam Baldwin (yes of the Royal Family of Baldwin's). It's season finale was 2 weeks ago tonight, and I am already going through withdrawals.

NBC seems to have the best line up of shows, with The Office, Chuck, Heroes, and 30 Rock, NBC seems to know what is going on these days. I have never been into the CSI's or the Law and Order's. My attention span can't last for one hour (unless I am laughing my ass off). I am not a big fan of reality shows, but, as you can see, I do watch American Idol. I started watching because of the rejects in the first few episodes, but once I start watching a show, I feel the need to finish, much like how I feel about Heroes right now.

Lost is another good show, that just aired it's season finale. It is coming into it's last season and still has some questions to be answered. The finale seemed to rap up a few loose ends, but just seemed to make us even more puzzled. Great show, but I am surprised the writers were able to keep a show going for so long about people stranded on an island (I can hear you mentioning Gilligan's Island right now).

The reason I am writing about GOOD shows is because Stacy is making me watch the Season Premier of the Bachelorette on ABC. BORING!!!!! These shows always end the same way: the "winners" breaking up 2 weeks after the finale airs.

Now on to the sad stuff:

Jay Leno will be airing his final episode a week from this Friday, giving him 10 episodes left. Conan O'Brien will be taking his place, but not "replacing" him. Jay is a legend, and Conan is just goofy, but Conan is growing on me. When I heard that Jay was leaving and Conan was stepping in, I decided to watch Conan to try and get used to him. He is slowly growing on me. Everyone reading this (all 6 of you) please watch Jay these last few nights, because you will never see any new episodes after next Friday. Monday nights he does Headlines, which are Newspaper ads from around the country that have funny lines or content that an editor should have caught. So definitely watch next Monday night on NBC at 10:35pm central.

That's enough for tonight. Go Nuggets and Cavs, they are both going to the Finals, just watch.


1 comment:

  1. your blog is dying joey. I advise you to post something contriversial, perhaps illegal to generate interest. My comment is that The Office is not as awesome as it was when Jim couldnt get Pam. Now its just sorta blah. And at least the bachelorette isnt the Tila Taquila show where she doesnt even bother to call the winner after the season ends. but yeah dating shows are retarded.
