Friday, May 29, 2009

California's Prop 8 Debacle

I thought this picture was funny, and a good segue into what is about to be discussed.....

Everyone, by now, should be well aware of what is going on in California with this whole Proposition 8 problem. For those of you who are not familiar with it (and can't figure it out from the picture above), it is dealing with same sax marriage and same sex couple rights. This issue has been voted on multiple times, and each time it gets sent to the California supreme court. This has been an ongoing story for the past few years now, but the overall case of same sex couples' rights goes back even further. A few states (mainly in the northeastern U.S.) have same sex laws in favor of the couples, with states being added to (and taken off of) the list daily. Here is my view of the California government and it's handling of Prop 8.

If you are sensitive to foul language, please discontinue reading now.............

Being the die-hard conservative that I am, I can honestly say that I am ashamed of the bullshit that the California Supreme Court is pulling. Not only is this an equal rights issue, but is it a direct violation of the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, found in the Bill of RIGHTS.

The reason it is a violation of equal rights is obvious. We are taking away these people's rights to have a legalized institution because of their sexual preference. This is ludicrous. People in the Supreme Court who have vetoed the bill over and over (Voting NO is for equal rights, voting YES is against) over a God Damn definition. The first definition given by of "Marriage" is:

"------the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc."

Ok great, we are controlling people's futures and love lives by a definition. Ridiculous. We change the definitions of words every day, but for some reason, people actually have a democratic vote in the greatest country of all, and they still can't change one little thing. But does this really come down to a definition of legality?

No, it is strictly religion. Yes, once again these religious nutjobs step in and let their minister tell them what the Bible says. As a matter of fact, homosexuality is common not only in the bible, but is referenced to some of the greatest minds in the world's history. Names like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle all participated in these acts. Some of the stories from the bible use language that doesn't quite convey the point. When you here of men saying to other men "Come here so that I can know you", that is referring to these acts. So these people saying that God does not condone homosexuality is so far gone, because it is referenced as being commonplace in the "Holiest of Books". Why is it that thousands of years later, it is such a horrible thing? Why can't our government allow such couples (some of which are more loyal to their partners than in heterosexual partnerships) to share the same benefits and protection that Man/Woman marriages share?

OK OK! I understand that changing a "tradition" is a lot harder than it seems. So why not set up a new one? Or even call gay marriages by a different word or phrase other than marriage? We could call it "partnerships" or "recognized union".

California obviously can't get this right, which then turns into a Federal problem due to the First Amendment Right of ALL Americans. We are entitled to a separation of Church and State. Doesn't sound like California is practicing that at all.

So then it comes down to a human rights issue, where it all started to begin with. I have family and friends that are directly impacted by this decision, but that isn't why I have formulated my opinion. I just know that deep down inside, it is just right to give all people the same rights and legal protection as their neighbor, regardless of skin color, religion, ethnicity, gender, etc. We have made huge steps in all of these areas, so why not sexual preference?

Now, I know a lot of people may be grossed out or "Homophobic" or whatever other stupid reason they can come up with to disagree with all this, but something needs to be done. I did not vote for Obama, but he did promise "Change". This is change we should all believe in. To not do something about this would be a huge failure to his administration (I think he is failing already, but that is another story for another day).

I have written all this in a span of 10 or so minutes, so it may seem like I am rambling or my words don't run together well. I am not a professional writer, just an "Opinionist" (I just made up a word, I think). I wanted it to seem like I am venting, which I am.

Please share this with anyone you know, whether they are for or against gay marriage, or impartial altogether. This is an issue that my generation (I am 24) needs to have resolved, and we are going to have to be the ones to do it. Please comment and share your opinions. I will post updates and responses to this topic.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you Joey. Finally, a conservative friend that is not ignorant or trying to argue the "one nation under God" bit. Little do they know that the "one nation" wasn't added until the McCarthy era and that our founders were mostly atheist and added in the "seperation of church and state" for a reason.

    Kudos to you.
