Friday, May 1, 2009

Star Date- B105C-DN3

To all of you Star Trek fans out there, that first line will make sense. To the rest of everyone out there, it makes no sense at all. The only reason I know what that means is because I used to have to watch Star Trek with my step-dad every night. No I am not a Trekkie, but I sure am excited about the movie coming out on May 8th, but that is a different story for a different day.

Why am I starting a Blog?
I started using Facebook and got tired of everyone constantly updating their status's. And then along comes Twitter, where all you can write is 140 characters (pretty much just Facebook updates). I am a pretty opinionated person, who always has something to say. I feel that if I have expressed my opinion to at least one person, then I have been heard, and I encourage everyone to voice his or her own opinion, instead of sitting back and and letting other people do the talking for you. Here are some of the topics I intend to talk about, but they are not limited to these topics alone:
  1. Sports- I am a huge sports fan. My favorite teams include the Houston Astros, Houston Rockets, Green Bay Packers, and the Dallas Stars (just of the major 4). I keep up with everything though, from soccer to rugby, and even sometimes NASCAR (rants to come on this topic).
  2. Movies- I would love to call myself a movie buff, but I'm not. I am just your average moviegoer who enjoys any type of movie, as long as it is good.
  3. T.V.- I currently have about 15 shows that I have on my DVR recording list. Be prepared to discuss shows.
  4. Games- Yes, I like to play video games still, I have my X-Box and my Wii, so who is up for a challenge? Just let me know.....
  5. Politics- I am conservative, but open-minded. I know what I believe in, and am willing to discuss with anyone. I don't like to think I am an expert by any means, but it effects us all and we should all pay attention to it.
  6. Religion- Yeah, I will be going there......
  7. Work- Pretty much just griping is what is to be expected in this category.
  8. News Stories- Current Events will be discussed and made fun of.
  9. Misc.- Whatever else I can think of later on down the road......

I am new to this whole blogging thing, so please send me your questions, comments, or suggestions. I hope to get good at this soon. I will try to post something new everyday, so please subscribe, bookmark, or whatever the correct term is. I look forward from hearing from everyone.



  1. you should talk about how much you like to go to jessica simpson concerts

  2. Just for the record Phillip, how exactly do you know that I actually went to one of her concerts?

  3. Had i had a retarded relative, I'm sure I would be very much offended by your picture, joey.

  4. Your karate is a joke
