Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Who thinks Favre should stay retired?

I do! I do!
Brett, put your hand down. All you are doing is making an ass out of yourself. As a huge fan of yours and of the Green Bay Packers, you are beginning to become a disgrace. Honestly, I don't know what it's like to play football my whole life, and then be to the point where I don't think I can play anymore. But come on, if the only team willing to take you back after you retire TWICE is the rival of the team who gave you your fame and fortune, then it is time to rethink things. Signing with the Vikings would be a huge mistake. Your fans would feel that you had betrayed them, and the rest of the league will think you are a joke. Don't do it. I am a huge fan of yours living in Dallas, and while the Packers have a large following in Texas, it is no mistake that they idolize you over Tony Romo. Don' tarnish your career by going to the Vikings. Stay retired and get a coaching job with the Pack, or with Southern Miss. You won't be sorry.....

1 comment:

  1. I Agree! If he comes out of retirement again, he better either go undefeated and win the Super Bowl, or move to a 3rd world country to avoid becoming an even bigger laughingstock.
