Monday, May 4, 2009

Alright, there is one more thing I wanted to talk about. Hydroxycut is being pulled off of the shelves because someone died from liver failures from it in March 2007. It is a dietary supplement that people take to help them lose "X amount of weight in Y amount of days!". It was a drug that was not approved by the FDA that was stilled allowed onto the shelves. It was allowed on because people were really losing weight, but as the poor kid in March 2007 found out, that cost was a lot more than $40 of pills and a few pounds. The healthiest and most natural way to lose weight is 1 pound per month, although a few more pounds might be acceptable due to certain circumstances. People are taking these pills in hopes that they can pop a pill, drink a glass of water, and then sit in their bean bag chair, in their underwear, eating Cheetos, watching TV (Thank you Ron White). These companies are exploiting lazy Americans, and they know it. So the consumer needs to wise up and know what they are putting into their bodies. People need to get up off their asses and exercise and eat better, because that is the only true way to be healthy and lose weight, and it's cheaper. It is free to run and do push ups and sit ups. It is cheaper to buy produce and meat from the Grocery Store, than getting a #5 with cheese, biggie sized. I bought 12 chicken thighs and 20 chicken legs (uncooked) from Kroger the other day for a total of $5.50, came home, seasoned it myself, baked some of it for an hour, worked out during that hour, and then sat down to eat. Easy. Where else can you get 32 pieces of chicken for that price?

So quit buying these miracle drugs, because like yo momma used to always say, "If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is". Listen to something else your mom used to say"Eat your vegetables" and "quit watching TV and go outside and play". It is all starting to make sense now.

Sorry about my rant, but it is something I have always despised about today's American Consumer. We are always looking for the easiest way out, and will believe what the "beautiful" people say about the pills or drinks or other things Corporate America is trying to sell.

At least try working out, it may suck while you are doing it, but you feel a sense of accomplishment afterwards. Eat better, vegetables may not taste good, but at least you know you are doing yourself a favor by eating just a few bites.

Cut down portions. It is not a race to see how fast you can eat. Take time between bites, chew twenty times, you will be amazed at how "truly" full you can get from a 6oz steak as opposed to a 12oz with the baked potato and everything.

I hope that all 3 of the people reading this will pass it along. I feel that by passing it along, you could very well help someone. I know I am not a nutritionist or a licensed doctor, but you shouldn't have to get a license to preach common sense.....


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